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What you should know about StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

  1. Discounted rooms available for Starwood associates and eligible family members
  2. Program is for non-business leisure travel only
  3. Associates must be actively employed to participate

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How to prepare StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

Look at the StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form
Prepare your papers online by using a printable sample of a file. You don't ought to download any files to fill out and deliver the file.
Fill out the form on the internet
Fill inl the file within a convenient online editor, adding exact information in the fillable areas. Include your eSignature on the specific field.
Submit the file
You can print out a paper copy of the done form or deliver the file electronically through SMS and email, or fax in only a few mouse clicks.

About Starhot Reservation Authorization Form

Starhot Reservation Authorization Form is a document used by individuals who are eligible to make reservations at Starwood Hotels and Resorts properties. This form grants authorization to the named individual to book accommodations on behalf of themselves or someone else. The form is typically required for individuals who are: 1. Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) members: Members of the SPG loyalty program may need to provide this form as proof of their eligibility to make reservations and avail of any associated benefits or discounts. 2. Employees of Starwood or Marriott International: Staff members employed by either Starwood or Marriott International may need this form to ensure proper identification and authorization to book accommodations for themselves or others, often at discounted rates. 3. Corporate clients: Business and corporate clients who have negotiated special rates or have a contract with Starwood Hotels and Resorts may be required to complete this form before making reservations under the agreed terms and conditions. 4. Travel agents or third-party bookers: Travel agents or individuals acting as third-party bookers may need to submit this form to establish their authority to make reservations on behalf of their clients or organizations. Overall, the Starhot Reservation Authorization Form serves as a verification and authorization document for eligible individuals who require permission to make reservations at Starwood Hotels and Resorts properties.

How to complete a StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

  1. Fill out all required fields with accurate information such as associate details, reservation information, and confirmation numbers
  2. Make sure to print the form and present it upon checkin at the hotel
  3. Please note that the form cannot be saved, so if you lose it, you will need to fill it out again with the same information

People also ask about StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

What is the StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form for?
The form is for booking discounted rooms at participating hotels for Starwood associates and eligible family members.
Are there any restrictions on using the StarHOT Rate?
The program is for non-business leisure travel only and cannot be used at the associate's own property.
What happens if an individual misrepresents their eligibility for a discount?
They may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

What people say about us

easyer to edit the pdf.
great bit of software
So far so good So far so good. I love the PDF editing features.
Very User friendly

The increasing need for electronic forms

Since the majority organizations and firms are shifting to operate from remote location due to the current time pandemic, computerized paperwork helps guarantee a streamlined and mistake-free working procedure. Using the StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form online, there is absolutely no need to put yourself and your business activities in danger. Now you may fill in and file documents anytime it's convenient for you, from the ease and comfort of your house. Open the form now and enjoy the simplicity of use for yourself.

Video instructions and help with filling out and completing StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

Instructions and Help about StarHOT Reservation Authorization Form

This is um fuzzy this is the 4C home screen uh Fossey is actually um it's a POS system used by hotels there are different types of um uh not all tells you the same POS system but this is uh the one using uh uh in some merry hotels so quick quick um we're gonna go through a couple of different things here um this is the home screen here is where you will search for any type of reservation you can do it by by the guest last name you can do it by confirmation number you can do it by um by the reservation number uh so you can put the you an example um uh here it will tell you if the reservation is for someone that is in-house or it's a future reservation if it's for for future reservation then you you press B and it will take you to um uh the reservation all the reservation under that name then you will have to search for the for the first person's name and then you select it um but I'm not I'm not gonna show the any reservation that is coming up um then there's if you look here uh in the about in the bottom it says you can do a service request if you press F3 F6 if you're going to do a walk-in reservation F7 for a new reservation a f8 for a menus and F5 for used to log off uh we're gonna create a new reservation right now so we're gonna do uh F6 press F6 it's going to ask you for your Eid and it's going to bring you over in here here the first step is going to ask you if you have if the person is...